Join me to meditate, finding peace and stillness within, enabling you to release what isn't serving you. Connecting to your Highest Self, your Teacher within, your Guide, your Inner Guru, your North Star, and your Truth.
The mind follows the breath, so when we slow down our breath, we slow down our mind, when we slow down our mind, we can experience stillness and peace. We can go inwards and connect to our source of truth, our deep knowledge and intuition – Which we all have, men, women, and children.
We are living in fast-paced times, overloaded and overwhelmed with schedules, to-do lists, information, choices, and demands. We need to slow down, we need to release the overload in our subconscious minds. We need to be still, and learn how to control the mind by controlling our breath.
Once we reduce our breathing to four breaths per minute, we automatically go into a meditative state of mind; here, we have all the answers and wisdom we will ever need; you do not need outside guidance to show you the way to experience a rich and fulfilling life, it is all beautifully stored within you, waiting for you to tap in to.
Meditation Changes Your Energy,
Changing Your Energy Will Change Your Life
Yoga Nidra or NSDR is an effortless sleep-based meditation where you experience a unique state of consciousness which is a deep sleep (rest) with alert awareness.
Once you are settled into your Yoga Nidra cocoon or nest, I will guide you into an effortless state of bliss and relaxation. Here you will experience a reboot of your nervous system along with deep healing.
Yoga Nidra reaches all the layers of the self, rejuvenating the mind and body and invoking an immense feeling of calmness and clarity.
With regular practice, you will stop reacting and will become more naturally mindful. You will untangle stress deep in your tissues and mind. You will have increased energy and focus in the present, you will also have increased levels of Melatonin (better sleep) and a boost in Endorphins (feel-good hormones) – which we could all do with!

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Once you are settled into your Yoga Nidra nest, I will guide you into an effortless state of bliss and relaxation. Here you will experience a reboot of your nervous system along with deep healing and rejuvenation.

If you have been diagnosed, treated for, or are recovering from Cancer I offer two weekly live Yoga Nidra sessions and a supportive community.

When we slow down our breath we slow down our mind, when we slow down our mind we can find deep peace and stillness within allowing us to go inwards and connect to our source of truth, our deep knowledge, and intuition.